CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Monday 1/15/18

1a) Barbell Cycling

EMOM 10:
4 Hang Squat Snatch @ 40%

Check out our POWER snatch cycling video here. (Reminder, we are SQUAT snatch cycling tomorrow, but thought we would put out a couple videos the next couple weeks showing the different types of cycling) (Also please excuse the video quality. Someday we will invest in a better camera :-D ).

Rest 3:00 Then

1b) EMOM 10:
3 Power Clean and Jerk @ 50%

2) For time:

50 DU's
10 Ring Dips
10 T2B
40 DU's
8 Ring Dips
8 T2B
30 DU's
6 Ring Dips
6 T2B
20 DU's
4 Ring Dips
4 T2B
10 DU's
2 Ring Dips
2 T2B