CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Thursday 7/18/19

1) HS Walk Progressions

15 min total practice

Scaled: Practice kicking up into HS against the wall. If able to kick against the wall comfortably, next goal is 4x1:00 holds against the wall. Complete of this what you can.

Intermediate: 2-3 min practice kicking up against the wall to land against it very gently.
9-10 min practice Wall Floats .

Advanced: Practice HS walk bailouts with quarter turn.
If those are clean, practice HS walks for full length of rig, always bailing in a smooth cartwheel dismount.

2) On a continuously running clock, 1:30 of each for max reps of:
Burpees over rower
Row (for calories)
Box jump overs (24/20) (Rx+ 30/24)
Rest (for 1:30)