CrossFit Chapel Hill

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Member Highlight - Will M.!

We love any opportunity to celebrate our athletes, and this November we are highlighting long time member.....Will Mendoza! 

If you’ve been around CFCH for any amount of time you’ve probably crossed paths with Will. Will has been a member with us since 2019. We wanted to highlight him this month because we felt that Will’s health and fitness experience would inspire you, as it often does for us. So let’s dive right in and get to know him!

1) How long have you been doing CF and what got you started?

I started CF in 2014 when I was living in Boston. I wanted to make a change in my life, I was coming back from a hip injury and the PT I was working with suggested that I try CF. From the moment that I did the intro class I was hooked.

2) What has been your biggest fitness challenge you have overcome? 

To me it is consistency, life happens, work happens. Before CF, I would get in really good shape but I was quick at finding excuses to not workout. Since CrossFit, I’ve changed jobs, relocated to different cities, gotten injured multiple times but I always make sure that I show up.

3) What fitness goals are you currently working on?

Fitness goal for the rest of 2023 is injury recovery and going back to basics. I want to get rid off bad habits and work on my fundamentals.

4) What do you spend time doing outside of the gym?

Outside the gym, I work in corporate strategy and that keeps me busy. When I’m not working, I’m either cooking something (learning new recipes) or going for hikes and exploring new small towns.

5) Tell us something about yourself that we might not know. 

When I was 19 years old I got my black belt in Karate-Do (haven’t practiced it for over 20 years) and I used to perform dancing latin music (before the pandemic)

6) What is your favorite movement to see on the whiteboard? What is your least favorite?

Favorite movement is either rowing/bike or back squats. Least favorite is burpees

7) What's your favorite thing about CFCH?

MY favorite thing about CFCH is the people, from coaches to peers, the culture of supporting and uplifting each other is amazing. No place like CFCH to experience a judgement free zone.

8) Which song or music do you like to listen to, to get fired up at the gym? 

For heavy lifting/barbell give me some slipknot/pantera/Metallica for Metcons I love Afrobeats or reggaeton (fast beats with “flavor" you know).