Non-profit and 501(c)(3)

CrossFit Chapel Hill CARES is a nonprofit organization created to provide health and wellness to the underrepresented individuals of the community. CARES offers need-based scholarships for CrossFit memberships, nutrition programs, specialized programing, adaptive equipment and all things to successfully participate in the sport.

Reach out to with any questions or inquiries about the organization.

Help support us by making a donation via Venmo @CFCHCARES or buying a shirt. 100% of our proceeds go towards CFCH CARES so that we may further our mission.

What is Power Hour?

We provide free monthly CrossFit Classes that use adaptive programming and equipment to assist athletes with special needs. Within a safe and nurturing environment, our coaches challenge each athlete as they move closer to their goals. We serve all ages including children and young adults with special needs. If you are interested in volunteering or know of an athlete who would benefit from Power Hour, please reach out to us at